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Apply for Housing

Apply for Housing

( We will try to accommodate date. However, all applications are subject to a holding period based on availability.)

( This will not hinder anyone from residency in our community. We will discuss your specific needs during the interview process.)

(Information about pet’s name and records will be required to be registered with our Vet before approval of residency in our community.)

(Information about pet’s name and records will be required to be registered with our Vet before approval of residency in our community.)

(Information about Vehicle Make(s), Model(s), Proof of Insurance will be required to be registered with our security department after approval of residency in our community.)

Thank you for your desire to connect with Village at Mt Tabor. This is a pre-qualification application. By submitting your request, you are authorizing that you have answered all of the above to the best of your ability. This is not a guarantee of placement, but step one of our process for housing. By checking the box and submission, you agree and understand.

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